
Sunday, April 12, 2015

Tatted Silk Cuff Winner

Good Afternoon!  Yesterday was a busy day.  We did some Spring cleaning, as well as some yard maintenance.  We are getting ready to plant some vegetables and herbs. . . I am so happy Winter is over, and I'll be able to start spending more time in the great outdoors.  :)

And of course, a winner for the tatted silk cuff was picked!  I wrote the names down, on carefully cut out pieces of paper (so they were the same size), and put them into a hat.  I had my 7 year old close her eyes, and spun her around 3 times, and pick a winner. . . 

Congratulations, JLH!  You are the winner of the tatted silk cuff.  I am so glad that this piece will finally have an owner that will love, wear and cherish it.  :-)  I am going to rewash and pin it today, and get it ready to send out to you.  Please email me at with your mailing info.  I will also send care instructions with the cuff.  Again, congratulations!

Thank you all who entered, and please don't forget there are lots more blog giveaways to come!  I will be hosting another one in the next week or so. :-)

Even with the housework, and gardening, I found time to play around with some Irish Crochet and Swarvoski pearls, bicones and Czech glass seed beads.  Here are some photos of the results:

Those are size 11, cream pearl Czech glass seed beads, and 4mm light cream rose
Swarvoski crystal pearls.

The little beaded center of this leaf motif was pretty simple to make.  I just crocheted a regular circle with a couple of rounds of single crochet stitches, and added the size 11 seed beads using a bead embroidery method.  I used size 100 Fincrochet in Ecru to sew the beads on.  I picked up 2-3 seed beads with my beading needing, layed the beads down to place them, and secured them with a backstitch.  Then I just sewed the little crocheted beaded circle to the center of the motif.  I'm not certain if this one will make it onto the capelet, as I am waiting for some size 15 rocailles that I ordered from Fusion Beads.  I think I will use size 11 and 15 seed beads to make these little beaded buttons for the capelet.  Here is a close up of the beaded center:

This little rose was super simple.  I strung 14 size 11 seed beads onto some ivory nymo beading thread, and kept threading through the beads until my beading needle wouldn't fit anymore.  Then I secured the thread ends with a square knot, and cut the tails off.  Then I made an Irish Crochet rose, starting with 5 chains, every two seed beads.

This adorable little flower is courtesy of Irish Crochet Lab.  I love this particular pattern, and will making lots more of them for the capelet.  I put a 4mm light cream rose Swarvoski crystal pearl in the center.

This little circle was made the same way as the seed bead rose circle, but I alternated 3mm Swarvoski light cream rose pearls, and 2.5 mm Golden Shadow Swarvoski bicones.  I attached it to the motif using couching stitches, and ivory colored nymo beading thread.

 And here is another rose made using a beaded center.  Those are 3mm Swarvoski light cream rose pearls, and 3mm Golden Shadow Swarvoski bicones.

It's been awhile since I played around with my jewelry making goodies, and I almost forgot how much I enjoy it.  I'll play around some more when my purchase from Fusion Beads arrive.

I spent the morning outside, so this afternoon will be devoted to some needle work.  Maybe I'll get a chance to work on some needle lace.  What are your plans for today?

Whatever they may be, I hope you all have a wonderful day!  'Til tomorrow. . . 

Happy Stitches!

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