
Saturday, April 4, 2015

Been a Busy Stitching Bee

I accomplished quite a bit of needle work yesterday and today!  I worked on the Aemila Ars Handkerchief border, crocheted a couple of Irish Crochet motifs for a capelet I'm working on for my eldest daughter, and even managed to finish a band on the Schwalm Sampler I've been working on.  The needle lace border is coming along quite nicely.

Before I could start the little leaves on the border, I layed 2 threads (using the support stitches to hold them in place) around the fabric, and proceeded to buttonhole stitch over the threads and edge of the fabric.

 After the buttonhole stitches, I completed a row of Punto Chiaro stitches.  Then I began working the leaves. 

The leaves are made in rows of Punto Smerlo or buttonhole stitches, first a row of 7, then a row of 5, and repeated on the other side of the leaf.  Picots are one of the hardest elements of needle lace, IMHO, but after watching the Aemilia Ars video, they have become simpler to make.  In this particular piece, I wrap the needle four times for the picots.

I do find the overcast bars a bit difficult, because they are made over only one thread, but a little care and patience ensures a neat bar.  As you can see from the photos, the arches are small compared to the leaves, and have a picot in the middle.  These are comprised of 7 buttonhole stitches, a picot, then 7 more buttonhole stitches.

I really like using this particular thread. . . Fincrochet is a soft thread, and I find it doesn't tangle as much compared to DMC Cordonnet Special.  I will have to make more needle lace using this thread.

As I mentioned before, I also managed to work a bit on my Schwalm Embroidery sampler.  I chose a 32 count Belfast Linen in cream for the sampler.  I am a beginner in this technique so a lower count linen is easier to learn on.  I am really enjoying learning this technique as it has all sorts of needle work elements incorporated into it, such as drawn thread work, pulled thread work and a bit of needle lace as well.  

For the threads, I am using DMC coton a broder in sizes 16 and 20, color Ecru and DMC Pearl  Cotton, sizes 8 and 12, also in Ecru.  The sampler I am working on is from a book by Christine Bishop.  It has lots of patterns and projects in it, though I do admit, I find the technique instruction lacking a bit. .  . luckily I have google to fill in the blanks!  lol  However, if you are familiar with the above mentioned techniques, then this book would be easy to follow.  I, however, just started learning drawn thread and pulled thread work less than a month ago.

For this band I withdrew 18 horizontal threads and used a satin stitch for a decorative edge.  Then I grouped the remaining threads into 64 sections of 3, securing them both on the top and bottom.  Then I used what I believe is called a Twisted Border stitch.  I really like the result of this technique. 

There are also little Fly Stitch and Chain rosebuds embroidered along the edge of the band, which I will share with you all tomorrow.  Also, I'll try and get some photos of the Irish Crochet I've been working on.  

Well, back to my needlework.  'Til tomorrow, Happy Stitches!

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