
Monday, December 7, 2015

Toasty Warm Ears

Good Morning!  I hope you are all doing well!  Today was the first day in almost a week that I woke up not feeling blech.  The head cold I thought I had, was actually a sinus infection, so needless to say, I was not feeling great. . . at all.  But I am finally on the mend!
 I did finish knitting my hat, so hopefully this will help keep me from getting too sick again this winter.  I rather like how it came out.  The yarn feels so very soft on my head, and it is big enough to cover my ears.  It isn't anything fancy, but it is handmade, and keeps my head and ears toasty warm.  lol

I had my youngest daughter model it for the photo.  It looks rather cute on her .  :-)  It was a simple hat to make. . . just some 2 x 2 ribbing for about 6 inches, then about 7 inches worth of stockinette stitch.  I closed it at the top using Knit 2 together stitches every other stitch, followed by 2 rows of knit every stitch, another row of Knit 2, Knit 2 together for one row, then another 2 rows of knit every stitch. The last row was knit 2 together.  After this I only had about 25 stitches left on my needles.  I threaded a long tail through a tapestry needle, threaded them through the remaining stitches and secured it closed.
I've also been working on some Aemilia Ars.  I made a little square doily.  I used Alba Maxima Legacy Linen, and DMC Cordonnet special size 60.  I first made a simple arch and picot border:

I also added some little buttonhole eyelets using Coton a Broder size 25.  I just used a size .5 mm crochet hook to poke an opening into the linen.  Drew a small circle and buttonholed around to make 4 corner eyelets:

Then I made a little medallion to put in the center of the piece:

It was a quick and fun project, and I think it came out pretty well.  :-)
I've also been looking through my Reticello book.  I've only done some small squares to practice some of the techniques in the book.  I love the technique, and after some more practice, I will plan a larger project, like a tea mat or table runner.  I ordered some cream Italian 38 ct. linen, as well as a couple more Reticello books (in English!) and I can't wait for them to arrive.  I also ordered another Aemilia Ars book from Lacis.  I'll be sure to share this goodie stash with you when it arrives. . . Christmas is coming early for me this year.  :-)
  Since I am feeling better, I decided to start another Aemilia Ars needle lace project.  This one is quite a bit more detailed, and will be beautiful once it is finished.  I'll take some photos to share as it progresses.  
It's about time for a cup of tea (with honey) so I hope you all have a great day and. . . 
'Til Next Time
Happy Stitches!


Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Thanksgiving Weekend

Good Morning!  I hope you all had a very Happy Thanksgiving!  Ours was very good (and very filling!)  I cooked, baked, and ate a lot. . . and unfortunately caught a head cold.  Blech.  I'm feeling a bit better today though.  Being sick is the worst, but unavoidable in the Winter it seems.
I didn't get a whole lot of needlework done this weekend, but I did manage to finish the band on my hat.  It's about 6 inches long, and I've started on the "sock" part of the hat.  I switched over to a simple stockinette stitch, and was (thankfully!) able to switch to one size 7 (4.5mm) 20 inch long circular needle.
I also managed to work a bit on the Irish Crochet Capelet.  I would say I am about half done with the border netting.  I haven't decided yet on an edging, but I do know that I am going to add seed beads, possibly crystal pearls.  Of course, I will share this progress with you.
Clones Knot Stitch in Progress
And. . . . my Reticello book arrived!  The text is in Italian, but I am able to understand a lot of it, since it is so close to Spanish, and whatever I don't understand, I use a translator app.  Plus, the pictures are so clear and concise that even without the text translation, it would be easy to follow along.  I haven't tried any of the techniques out yet.  I want to get my hat finished before starting any other projects.  I'll be working on my hat diligently because I honestly can not wait to learn more Reticello lace.  :-)

Well, I am still feeling a bit under the weather, so I am going to relax with a cup of herbal tea, and get a bit more knitting done.  I hope you all have a wonderful day and. . . 
'Til Tomorrow
Happy Stitches!