
Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Rose is Finished!

Good Afternoon!  The Burgundy Rose has been completed, and the little pincushion is almost done!  I am very pleased with how the Rose turned out, and the colors are gorgeous.  It was a little challenging stitching the last petal. . . it used the same colors as the petal next to it, and if one isn't careful, it could have ended up looking like one big petal, instead of two separate ones

I tried to "stagger" the colors on the last petal, and I also added a few straight stitches along the edge, to help distinguish the two separate parts of the flowers, and here is the end result:

I love Trish Burr's needle painting book, and I can't wait to stitch more of the projects from the book.  It is very informative and inspirational, however, if I hadn't completed Mary Corbet's Long and Short stitch project and tutorials, I doubt this little Rose would have turned out as well as it did. :-)

I worked on constructing the pincushion this morning.  The only thing left to do is to stuff it, and sew the last edge together.  I'll share these photos tomorrow.  I'm debating on whether starting another needle painting project, or perhaps some Aemelia Ars. . . it's been awhile since I made some needle lace. 

 I also had another idea for beaded crochet jewelry.  I was thinking of making a choker/collar this time with Swarvoski pearls.  I have a basic idea in my head.  Maybe I'll host a crochet a long to go with the piece.  Write down what I'm doing and give tutorials on the blog so those who want to follow along, can.  Plus, this helps me as well. . . if I ever want to recreate the piece, the pattern will be written down.  lol  Let me know what you all think, and enough people want to, then we can get started soon.

Alas, my Schwalm Sampler is calling to me. . . I am so close to finishing it.  :-)  But before I go, just a quick reminder that the Blog Giveaway for the silk bracelet is open for entry here.  I really hope this beauty finds the owner it was meant for.  :-)

'Til Tomorrow
Happy Stitches!

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