
Friday, January 26, 2018

Hardanger Center Square

Good Morning!  It's been a bit since I've posted.  I've been a busy stitching bee working on my project from Giuliana's latest book.  It is a bit more complicated than I originally thought it was going to be, but I think that's because I do not have much experience with Hardanger.  I have managed to get the center square completed though.  It certainly has a lot of detail and utilizes a plethora of stitches and techniques.  In fact, just the center of this project would make a lovely Hardanger doily.

I am currently working on the smaller squares that surround the center, and each of these 4 squares would also make lovely and elegant smaller projects.  I do have to admit, that I made a bit of a boo boo already.  When I read the instructions for the piece, it said that it was made on a piece of linen that was 70 x 70 cm.  I assumed that this was the size that my linen should be cut.  However, after looking through the diagrams and instructions, I now believe that the finished piece is 70 x 70 cm.  So, I am not going to be able to finish this project as presented in the book.  My piece will be smaller, and the border will be a bit different.  At first, I was a bit upset about this, but after some planning, I have figured out a way to keep a lot of the major components of the original piece in my smaller version.  This has taught me a lesson - always quadruple check the directions before cutting your materials! lol

I have some photos of the center square.  I am using DMC Retors D' Alsace in sizes 8 and 12 (I absolutely ADORE this thread) on 28 count Graziano linen.

I am currently working on the third smaller square and will make sure to snap some photos of them to share when they are completed.

Since the weather is unseasonably warm, and the sun is shining, I think I am going to take a bit of a break from my embroidery project, and crochet some flowers.  Irish Crochet Lab owner and instructor, Larisa, is sharing a new project that she is working on, and has invited her students to join her.  I am very excited for this, as it has been awhile since I have crocheted. . . I don't want to get "rusty", so this small project is the perfect break from my Hardanger project.  What are your plans for today?  Whatever they may be,  I hope you all have a wonderful day and until next time. . . 

Happy Stitches!

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