
Friday, November 13, 2015

Needle Painting Pincushion

Yesterday afternoon, I spent some time working on my pincushion.  I chose a design out of Trish Burr's needle painting book, the Burgundy Rose.  The colors are rich and vibrant and look gorgeous against the snow white linen.  I chose to work with Legacy's Shadow Work linen.  It is a high quality linen - beautiful color, and it feels soft and buttery in your hand.  It is a very thin linen, however (handkerchief thin), so I chose a high quality cotton muslin for a backing.  It isn't going to be a big pillow, so I cut my fabric 7.5 inches by 7.5 inches.

Then I had the task of sewing the material together and zigzagging the edges to prevent fraying.  A sewing machine makes this task go so much faster!  I ironed the pieces of material before sewing them together, and again before I transferred the pattern.  I just used a light box and .5mm mechanical pencil, and traced it.  My favorite transfer method is the iron on method, but with a pattern this small, tracing it was easy.

I did manage to get some stitching done on the roses, but not much.  The book instructions use split stitches for the stem, which I did, though I prefer to use the stem stitch for stems. . . my split stitch does need work, however, so following the book's instructions allowed me to practice, and hopefully improve my split stitch a bit.

As you can see from the photos, the stem also has little thorns, which are done using tiny straight stitches in a medium mauve color.  All in all, I'm very happy with the result.  This morning I worked on the leaves.  I'll post some photos of my progress tomorrow.

I also worked the background netting of the Irish Crochet Capelet, yesterday evening.  I don't have any photos to share of it yet, but I will this weekend.  I also made a decision of what item I will be gifting for my next Blog Giveaway.  Photos and details of the event will be posted some time this weekend, so stay tuned!

Well, there is a homemade pumpkin spiced latte calling my name, so I hope you are all having a wonderful day!

'Til tomorrow, Happy Stitches!

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